As the end of these first nine weeks come to an end in ISM, here is what I've learned so far and what I am currently doing. Through my past research I've learned that I am interested in becoming a broker in commercial real estate. I still haven't closed off the idea of residential real estate, just because I know it is something I could truly enjoy. Other than this I am currently preparing for the symposium on Wednesday. I am quite nervous, as one would be for the first big event, but I am preparing by practicing my interview responses as well as the questions I am planning on asking the professionals at the symposium. I know I have to have great responses since they are going to be part of the first impressions. From the symposium I hope to gain new information from the professionals regarding anything business, and even if they aren't professionals in the area of work I'm interested in, I want to hear all of their responses since they might be important in another area of life. I also want to try and talk with the other ISM students from the different schools since you never know what you might learn from a new relationship.